

Address: 62 Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka - 1209
Discount Rate: Good
Does Home Collection: Yes

X Ray of Urethrogram - Ascending

Price: 4,500 tk /-

X Ray of Venogram - Lower Extremity - Single

Price: 6,500 tk /-

X Ray of Vesiculogram

Price: 5,500 tk /-

X Ray of Wrist - Carpal Tunne l - Right

Price: 800 tk /-

X Ray of Wrist - Carpal Tunne l- Left

Price: 800 tk /-

X Ray of Wrist AP View - Right & Left

Price: 1,400 tk /-

X Ray of Zygomatic Arch - Left

Price: 800 tk /-

X Ray of Zygomatic Arch - Right

Price: 800 tk /-