Hi-Care General Hospital Ltd.

Hi-Care General Hospital Ltd.

Address: House # 24 & 26, Rd N- 17, Lake Dr Rd, Sector 7, Uttara, Dhaka - 1230
Discount Rate: High
Does Home Collection: No

Xray of Pelvic Inc, Both Hip A/P View

Price: 400 tk /-

Xray of RGU + MCU

Price: 1,200 tk /-

Xray of Right knee Joint Skyline View

Price: 400 tk /-

Xray of Rt Elbow Joint B/V

Price: 450 tk /-

Xray of Rt Thigh

Price: 450 tk /-

Xray of Rt. Sacroiliac Joint B/V

Price: 400 tk /-

Xray of Scaphoid View

Price: 400 tk /-

Xray of Scapulla (B/V)

Price: 400 tk /-